Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gay Men Born Gay - 1235 Words,9171,973763-1,00.html Are Gay Men Born That Way? By Christine Gorman;J. Madeleine Nash/Los Angeles Monday, Sept. 09, 1991 Gay men often claim that even as children they knew they were somehow different from other boys. Many say that sense even preceded puberty. And yet, though researchers have tried for decades to identify a biological basis for homosexuality -- which seems to be present in all human societies -- they have mostly come up dry. Tantalizing clues have surfaced: gays are more likely to be left-handed, for instance. But in the end, there has been little proof that biology is sexual destiny. Now new research offers evidence that there may indeed be a physiological basis for†¦show more content†¦But some scientists believe this structure governs daily rhythms rather than sexual behavior, so it is difficult to see any significance in the finding. Investigations of right- and left-handedness have also provided evidence of a physiological distinction. Sandra Witelson, a professor of psychiatry at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., has found more left-handers among homosexual women in her studies than among heterosexual women. Others have made the same observation among men. Since hand preference may be determined in part by the influence of sex hormones on the brain during gestation, Witelson believes these early hormonal influences could also play a role in sexual orientation. Animal studies provide a good deal of evidence for a biological basis of sexual orientation. Through careful manipulation of hormone levels in newborn rats, Roger Gorski, a neuroendocrinologist at UCLA, has been able to produce male rodents that demonstrate feminine behavior. Other researchers, working with mice, have noted that female fetuses that develop between two male fetuses in a litter appear to be masculinized to some degree by their brothers testosterone. They look more like males than females, mature more slowly, have fewer reproductive cycles as adults and are less attractive to male mice. In many species, particularly among mammals, homosexual-likeShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality: Inborn Trait or a Choice991 Words   |  4 Pagesjust go and change his or her skin tone or gender. It isn’t as if one was asked to be white, black, Hispanic, Native American exc., nor female or male. This is just the way the person was born. Seeing it from this point of view I wonder why a person will choose to be a homosexual. It isn’t that the person was born this way, more as so it was a choice and path they chose to take. 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